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07 October 2012


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The title of the blog may sound like a poor reference to a novel by J.M. Coetzee. Well, it doesn't shy away from that... vraiment! Giancinéphile, or better known as my online alter-ego passes itself as my own stimulated reality on the web filling the air with my cinéphilie, a so-called flare for men's fashion (alongside my love for such a thing called aesthetics), tones brought about by things I've been reading here and there, moods often stimulated by things I listen to and just like every pretentious jeune homme on the block, I shall say I'm quite fond of contemporary art. And whatever is there left to say, I try to take photos as much as I can... trying to get them around.



Not all photos posted here are mine unless I have indicated so that I am the one who took them.